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Rod Kackley

Lured Into Deadly Sex Games, A Shocking True Crime Story

A few days before Christmas 2019, Jennifer Gail Paxton walked into the Oak Ridge, Tennessee, home of 52-year-old Sean Finnegan and his 22-year-old girlfriend, Rebecca Dishman.

So how did Rebecca and Sean lure Jennifer to their home? Arrest warrants show they simply promised the woman a place to stay.

But once inside, their evil plan quickly played itself out. Jennifer was smashed over the head with a baseball bat. The couple then swiftly chained Jennifer to a bed and shackled her with a dog collar. Her arms were bound with zip ties.

Jennifer never left. Alive. The coroner's meat wagon arrived after Oak Ridge police investigators found Jennifer's corpse under the couple’s bed on August 6.

Was Jennifer a holiday visitor who outwore her welcome?


At least, that’s the theory offered by the Oak Ridge PD. They say Sean and Rebecca mercilessly tortured 36-year-old Jennifer. Detectives believe the couple chained Jennifer to a bed, beat, and raped her repeatedly, denying her food and water.

They played one-sided sex games with Jennifer, strangling her while Sean raped her.

It didn’t take long, not more than a few days, probably for Jennifer to die.

Then, Sean and Rebecca put Jennifer’s corpse into their stand-up freezer between Christmas and New Year’s Eve. Not an easy thing to do. Rookies always underestimate the challenge of disposing and/or storing a body.

Sean and Rebecca had to break some of Jennifer’s bones before pulling out a sharp saw to cut off parts of Jennifer’s legs and arms to get her into the freezer.

And there she stayed until the couple found out Oak Ridge police officers were about to knock on their front door, looking for Jennifer.

Thinking quickly, Sean and Rebecca took Jennifer’s body out of the freezer and slid the frozen corpse under their bed.

Well, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know a human carcass will thaw out, no matter how frozen.

Didn’t take police long to find Jennifer’s body, even though Rebecca had done her best with bleach and a Swifter to clean up nasty stains from blood and bodily fluids.

And it didn’t take long for prosecutors to charge Rebecca and Sean with five felonies, including first-degree murder, along with charges of aggravated sexual battery, kidnapping, and rape.

After police read their Miranda rights, Sean and Rebecca admitted their actions.

Accused Rapist Sprung From Jail Kills Accuser

Karla Dominguez told Alexandria, Virginia police detectives last October the sex she had with Ibrahim E. Bouaichi was any but consensual. Karla said he abducted her before he raped and strangled her.

Ibrahim was deemed dangerous by a judge and jailed without bond. But then the COVID-19 pandemic hit the Washington D.C. area. Ibrahim’s lawyers went to work.

The attorneys argued that the coronavirus threatened themselves and Ibrahim so that their client should be released.

April 9, over the strenuous objections of an Alexandria County prosecutor, Ibrahim was released on a $25,000 bond.

July 29, the Alexandria PD says, Ibrahim drove from his home in Maryland to Karla’s apartment on the west end of Alexandria and waited for her to walk outside.

As soon as she did, Ibrahim pointed a gun, squeezed the trigger, and shot Karla dead.

Police immediately started looking for Ibrahim. All points bulletin. Armed and dangerous.

Officers spotted his car in Prince George’s County, Maryland. The chase was on.

Ibrahim crashed. Cops surrounded his wrecked car with their guns drawn.

They found him slumped over the steering wheel. Ibrahim had shot himself.

The last report from a local hospital had him listed in grave condition.

Ibrahim’s attorneys said they were “certainly saddened by the tragedy both families have suffered here.”

The Washington Post concluded Ibrahim’s release from jail and the murder of Karla Dominguez represent “a tragic side effect of the pandemic.”

Winnie: Beware The Honey Pot

Utah’s male state lawmakers were told in 2018 to never walk alone and use a “buddy system” to avoid being snared by, possibly, politically motivated, prostitutes.

'We feel like it's appropriate at this time to put everybody on alert there may be people with mal-intent that are trying to, for money, try to put us in a situation,' Republican Senate President Wayne Niederhauser told reporters and Senate leadership, on February 9, 2018.

Niederhauser’s warning after a call girl, Brie Taylor, told the Daily Mail that Utah state Rep. Jon Stanard (R) twice paid her for sex in Salt Lake City in 2017 while he was staying in taxpayer or campaign-funded hotel rooms.

But it wasn’t the Stanard scandal alone that prompted Niederhauser’s warning. He sounded the alarm because of something that happened to a fellow Republican, Sen. Evan Vickers, after the news about Stanard broke.

Vickers told reporters a woman tried to “honeypot” him in one of the hotels where Stanard allegedly had sex with Taylor.

“I opened the door, and a young lady was standing there, and she said 'Hi,' and I said, 'Hi, who are you?' And she said, 'I'm your date.' I said, 'No, you're not.' She said, 'Yes, I'm your date.’”

"She was standing in front of the elevator, and I said, 'I don’t know who you are and what you’re doing here,' She said, 'No, you don’t understand. I’m your date.' I said, 'No, I’m not and walked back into the room,'" Vickers said.

Vickers said he locked the door and called a fellow legislator for help. He also called hotel security, who have been unable to find the woman. Vickers said hotel employees are reviewing a security videotape.

As Deseret News columnist Jay Evensen speculated, it could be the young lady, who Vickers said looked to be in her 30s, just knocked on the wrong door, or maybe she was prospecting for a customer, hoping to get lucky. But maybe, just maybe, she’d been hired by a media organization or some other group with nefarious intent.

"I believe that this was more of a setup, and I also believe Sen. Vickers was caught by surprise," House Majority Whip Francis Gibson (R) told Fox 13.

One unnamed lawmaker told that he has seen women who are “dressed provocatively” hanging around the hotel where he stays while the legislature is in session. Still, he was never concerned until the Daily Mail ran the Stanard story.

It isn’t just GOP lawmakers concerned by the prospect of hookers prowling hotel hallways trying to ensnare honest politicians.

Senate Minority Leader Gene David (D) said he was “shocked.”

Sen. Niederhauser called the cops. He said Salt Lake City police and the Utah Highway Patrol were notified. He also tried to throw some cold water on Brie Taylor’s story of sex with Rep. Stanard because questions have been raised about whether she was paid by the Daily Mail.

"When people can make money like this, it attracts mal-intent," Niederhauser said.

The Murder of Emma Brown

Two eighteen-year-old women go out for a night of cruising and partying.

Only one returns home.

Friends don’t kill friends, do they?


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